Why Having A Good Sales Funnel Is So Important?

Why Having A Good Sales Funnel Is So Important?

Sales Funnel, Sales Funnel, Sales Funnel!

Are you sick of hearing it a lot of times and you don’t know what it is and why it is so important? No worries because we are going to have a deep look at Sales Funnel and its importance. If you are new and you don’t have any idea about it, then you are in the right place, just stay tuned.

Before learning about the importance of a sales funnel, it is better to know what sales funnels are. Let’s start the discussion with this question.

What is a Sales Funnel?

You might have seen a common funnel that is used to channel a liquid into a container. You can easily pour the liquid into a container with it because it has a small opening. From the large opening, the fluid enters, and it leaves from the narrow one. That is a common funnel. A sales funnel is just like that but there are people entering the funnel instead of fluid. People enter the sales funnel from one end, and they are converted into customers at the other end.

Now imagine you have sales process on your website, you first advertise your brand or product in the market to attract customers from different platforms. The interested people will land on your website to get more information. Then you tell them more about the product and clear their confusion if any. You provide them quotes, offers or whatever according to your business. Then they finally become your customers. This is a sales process that can also be termed as a sales funnel. But the sales prospecting tool  is also the  first step in the sales process, which consist of identifying potential customers.

A sales funnels is a complete process of converting people into reliable customers. It has everything that you need to convert them. In terms of a website, it consists of advertisements, landing pages, order pages, getting information, follow-up, payment gateways, etc. A sales funnel has different phases and that depends on the type of your business.

Importance of A Good Sales Funnel

Let’s discuss some important points about good sales funnels.

High Sales and Conversions

The primary purpose of making a sales funnels is to get high sales and conversions. If you have a good sales funnel, then you will surely make excellent sales. A good sales funnels take the people through a process that is easy, attracting and convincing so they bind with it and follow the whole process. After following the whole process, they become your customers. A bad funnel is something in which people enter, but most of them don’t bother to make a purchase. While in a good build funnel, a customer is convinced just like the representatives do in a retail store; therefore, the conversion rate increases.

For a moment consider yourself in a store, and think you are going to buy a shoe. Now we have two scenarios.

  1. The representative tells you about the features, qualities and encourages you to buy it. He is friendly and tells you everything about the product to clear your confusion.
  2. The representative is not much interested in telling about the shoe and he just wants to get rid of the product.

Both scenarios are different, and if someone asks in which scenario you are likely to purchase the shoe, then your answer would be the 1st scenario. It is obvious because people want to know about the product. They want attention and they need to clear the confusion before making a decision. So, the first scenario is excellent, and it increases your sales. The same goes for sales funnel. It attracts your customers and convinces them to get the thing through different phases, which increases your sales and conversions.

Thus, a good sales funnel is important to increase your sales and leads.

Knowing the Audience’s Demand

When a person enters the sales funnel, you get to know about his demands. For example, you have an online store and when you see the results of the funnel, you get to know that most customers are buying a certain brand or type of shoe. Now you get to know that this thing is in demand and you get prepared for it. You can easily get to know about the interest of people from a certain location. You will get to know which product has greater sales in seasons, trends, festivals and all of that. So, you can make a trending bar on your homepage and the product will become more visible to the visitors. You get invaluable data for free and you can work on it to meet customer’s demands.

Creates Audience Engagement

A good sales funnel engages the audience by showing things that they are interested in and taking them through something interesting. For example, you can design appealing web pages for your visitors to tell them about the products. You can put some pictures or videos of the product so that the people get an excellent idea of the product.

The only thing that can bind your customer throughout the whole sales process from entering as a visitor and leaving as a customer is an engagement. If you don’t engage your visitors, then they will not reach the end of the funnel. So, a good sales funnel creates engagement, which is essential to get more sales.

Follow-up with Customers

Imagine you have purchased something, and you get an email from the store to tell them whether you like the product or not. You will feel that the store cares about its customers. It creates reliability and trust.

Moreover, you get to know about the customer’s interest so you can follow up in the future and tell them about the amendments or new arrivals. You will bind your customers with your store and get the best for them.

Secure and Easy Payment Gateway

No one wants to purchase anything from any source without an easy and secure payment gateway. A good sales funnel has this, and it encourages visitors to pay with confidence. This is necessary for the growth of the business.


A good sales funnel is essentially important to grow your sales and improve your business. It provides you a direction to move further by knowing about the audience’s demands and trends. You can attract more visitors and turn them into customers. If you want to leverage your business, then think about a good sales funnel.

If you want to check what I use to create awesome sales funnels. CLICK HERE!


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